Hashiam Kadhim


Nujabes Album Art


I’m Hash, a deep learning engineer and researcher. Here’s some cool work I’ve done:


RealTalk was a state-of-the-art speech synthesis system. It was featured by the New York Times, Vice, The Verge, Gizmodo, and others.

Next Week Tonight (NWT)

NWT is an expressive speech-to-video model. You can view some experiments on the demo page.

Non-deep Learning Related

Probability & Stochastic PDEs

Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics: a stochastic PDEs study of the equilibrium time correlations of the conserved fields of an anharmonic chain through non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamics.

A compilation of some of my favorite probability problems and solutions.

General Relativity

Linearized Einstein Equations around the Schwarzschild black hole


Academic Awards

2016 SciNet Certificate in Scientific High Performance Computing
2015-2016 University Of Toronto Fellowship
2015 University of Toronto Galois Scholarship
2014 CMND Graduate Student/Postdoc Mini-Course on PDEs and Geometry and physics (University of Notre Dame)